My Finding Someplace Backpack

This summer, I read a book called Finding Someplace. Reesie, the main character, has to pack a backpack because there is a hurricane. She packed her parents’ important papers. She had to be very careful of what she brought since she could only bring what could fit in her backpack.

If I ever was in this scenario, here is what I would bring and why. I would bring a flashlight where I can crank the handle to power it up because if it’s very dark, a flashlight will light up my surroundings. I would bring a map, so I can find my way. I would also bring water because water is an essential tool of life. Then I’d probably bring food because you need food to survive. I would also bring a whistle, so that I could call for help.  I will bring a change of clothes so I don’t have to wear the same clothes but only one so that it doesn’t take up much space. I would bring a journal for writing my experience down and a book. In conclusion, everything I pack will be things I need to survive.