
In my Language Arts class, we read a book called The Last Cuentista. It was basically about keeping stories alive. It’s really important to keep precious stories alive because they might be lost forever!

In class, we also made Ideal World Stories! They are basically what we think is the ideal world. Mine is Planet Canis Dragon. Based off my love of wolves, horses, and dragons. The only animals in my ideal world are wolves, dragons, horses, cats, and hybrids between any two of these species. It’s really a beautiful planet, though I am the only human allowed to visit it. Hunting is strictly forbidden on my planet. Anyone who hunts or kills another animal is automatically killed themselves. I had such a great time creating my ideal world!

For a few classes, we made handmade books with the artist Peg Gignoux. We used pieces of nature make Akua ink printing, then we collaged the artworks into scenes. I made mine about my ideal world. I even created little collage animals!

I had so much fun making this book! I really think the ideal world for me is just me and my animals.

Window or Mirror?

I am reading The Bellmaker by Brian Jacques. A mirror book is a book that reflects and relates to you in some way. A window book is a book that does not reflect you. This book is more of a window to me because it is fantasy and there are talking animals. I often choose window books because I want to see the outside world. I don’t just want to see myself reflected, I want to see something else. Another reason why this book is a window is because in this book, the problem is an evil fox who kills and imprisons a lot of animals. 

I really like this book and it’s actually the 7th in the series. I love fiction because I’m really tired of our normal world. I like creative, imaginative stories better than stories with humans in it, unless they’re background characters.